Office Furniture Installation Blog

Hidden Cost Savings: 3 Ways Furniture Installers Keep Your Move on Budget

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 7, 2016 11:45:00 AM / by Jeff Kiel

hidden-cost-savings-3-ways-furniture-installers-keep-your-move-on-budget.jpgWhile some residential moves can be complex, they’re nevertheless a proverbial walk in the park compared to even a seemingly simple business move.

This is because with a business move, there are many stages and phases, and each must be handled with expertise and precision – otherwise major cost overruns aren’t just likely, but they’re a foregone conclusion.

And while some of these stages and phases are easy to identify (such as boxing and transporting items) there are others that are less obvious, yet just as important to controlling the bottom line. And one of the most influential factors in this regard -- and also the one that tends to financially sideswiped business owners – has to do with furniture installation.

Below, we highlight the 3 key reasons why hiring furniture installers are a MUST if you want to keep your business move on budget:

  1. Staying on Schedule

Office furniture installation is a highly complex activity that involves the skilled use of both hand and power tools, and an expert-level understanding of design specifications and methods. Amateurs or laypersons will invariably turn a 30 minute installation job into one that takes hours – and still won’t be done properly. 

Professional furniture installers ensure that your moving schedule is adhered to – which is not just a matter of convenience. It is directly a matter of cost, since schedule slippage means that your business won’t be ready to open on time; therefore obliging you to reallocate your employees or put them in a “holding pattern”. This can also disrupt and frustrate customers and other visitors, who aren’t thrilled about having to communicate over the sound of drilling and hammering.

  1. Preventing Damage 

Although quality office furniture is designed to withstand more “wear and tear” than residential/household furniture, this doesn’t mean they’re invulnerable. Improper furniture installation can and does cause damage, which can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars to fix. Damaged furniture is also unusable, and temporarily replacements need to be found while awaiting repairs. In some cases, employees may be obliged to work from a home office or at another location.

Professional furniture installers are experts, and there is no risk of damage – both to furniture items, as well as to the surrounding environment (e.g. walls, carpets, ceilings, etc.).

  1. Avoiding Injury and Accidents 

On a business moving budget, there is no line item for “injuries and accidents” – since the ONLY acceptable goal is to experience neither of these.

However, when amateurs or residential movers are leading the way, injuries and accidents happen all the time during a business move, and the many of these are related to office furniture installation. Equipment that looks simple or light is typically neither, and well-meaning employees invariably do much more harm than good – both to themselves on a personal level, and their employer when it comes to damaging equipment.

Profession furniture installers are trained, experienced, certified, bonded and insured, and as such keep costs associated with injuries and accidents to where you need them to be at all times: $0.

Learn More 

At Precision, we understand how important it is for our clients to keep their move on budget. That’s why we have an in-house team of professional furniture installers who have a reputation for being the industry’s best. We’re the professionals that the professionals trust! 

To learn more about how we protect your furniture and bottom-line, contact us today. Your consultation is free.

If you're ready to keep your move on schedule & on budget, download our FREE checklist for moving your office below! Use it before & during your move to ensure you don't miss anything.

Download The Ultimate Checklist for Moving Your Office

Topics: Move Office Furniture

Jeff Kiel

Written by Jeff Kiel

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(314) 383-6454

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