Office Furniture Installation Blog

Obstacles to Avoid When Searching for New Office Space

[fa icon="calendar"] Oct 26, 2015 11:30:00 AM / by Barb Brooks

obstacles-to-avoid-when-searching-for-office-spaceWhen planning to move your business – whether it’s across the street, or on the other side of the country -- your goal is to have a smooth, stress-free experience. To make this happen, you’ll need to steer clear of these 4 key obstacles when searching for office space:

1. Not having a clear objective for the office relocation. 

Are you changing addresses so that you can be closer to customers or employees? Or perhaps because you’re expanding and have outgrown your current location? Whatever your objective(s), it needs to be identified, clarified, and ideally agreed to by all key principles/stakeholders. Otherwise, problems that you’re facing in your current location – such as limited parking, lack of space, aging infrastructure and so on – can (and likely will) crop up in your new location.

2. Not analyzing what to do with your current office furniture.

It’s not in your best interest to assume that you should take all of your current furniture with you when you move. Some items may be worn down and beyond repair, while others may simply not be functional for your employees. And on top of this, some older items may not suit your new décor, and stick out like a proverbial sore thumb. It’s essential to invest time and effort to analyze what furniture is making the move with you, and what needs to be decommissioned (and ultimately either sold, donated, or appropriately recycled).

3. Not confirming that the infrastructure is adequate. 

The last thing you want when move into your new office space is that the IT and data capabilities are inadequate, the phone system hasn’t been installed in put online, or the kitchen isn’t suitable for your workforce. All of these infrastructure issues need to be checked out and cleared up well in advance. 

4. Not having a relocation timeline.

While most businesses have a schedule when they carry out an office relocation, many don’t have a comprehensive relocation timeline that include ALL of the tasks and activities that must be undertaken as part of the move – and not just what will happen from hour-to-hour on moving day. Make sure this is not an obstacle that derails your business move! 

Avoiding Obstacles – We Can Help

To learn more about the obstacles you need to avoid when searching for office space, download our free ebook “How to Move Your Office in 5 Easy Steps”. It’s an invaluable resource to help you enjoy the stress-free, successful experience you want!

Download free eBook "How to Move Your Office in 5 Easy Steps"  

Topics: Office Relocation

Barb Brooks

Written by Barb Brooks

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