Office Furniture Installation Blog

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Furniture Installation Crew

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 10, 2016 11:30:00 AM / by Barb Brooks

the-importance-of-hiring-a-professional-furniture-installation-crew.jpgIt’s a common scenario that plays out across St. Louis and around the country each day: a business hires what they thought was a “full service” moving company, yet on moving day discovers there’s an essential piece of the puzzle that’s missing: professional furniture installation.

As a result, instead of opening the door to their new home and “hitting the ground running” as it were, they’re staring at disassembled workstations, cubicles, desks, shelves, and the list goes on. And when they escalate their concerns to their moving company, they’re told to check their contract and see for themselves that furniture installation isn’t part of the deal.

In-House Furniture Installation Expertise isn’t Standard

Now, the question that springs to mind is: why don’t all moving companies offer furniture installation services – especially since they could presumably charge a fee for this and therefore increase their revenues? The reason is simple: many moving companies don’t have the in-house resources (personnel, equipment, tools, etc.) to install furniture. And it’s much more efficient and profitable for them to focus on moving furniture vs. moving and installing furniture.

Beware the Furniture Installation “Referral Trap”

Or, some moving companies have strategic partnerships with furniture installers, and basically count on their customers begging them for help. Once this happen, these moving companies call their partner, have them come in and install the furniture, and charge an exorbitant fee – of which the moving company gets a cut. And even though the business KNOWS that this is a setup (it’s pretty obvious!), they also know that they can’t spend the next several days trying to put together complex, sophisticated office furniture. So they pull out their checkbook and cut their losses.

How to Stay Safe 

The way to avoid this common and costly scenario is simple: when evaluating various moving companies, ensure that you choose on that TRULY provides end-to-end services – which definitely includes office furniture installation.

What’s more, the moving company you select should have an in-house team to do this -- not some 3rd party who you didn’t choose -- and be managed on site by a professional project manager who ensures quality, efficiency, safety, and is available to answer all of your questions. And of course, your moving company should broom-clean your old and new space, so that you’re indeed ready to hit the ground running! 

Learn More 

At Precision, we’re proud to be a full-service end-to-end moving, furniture un-installation/installation company. Our in-house crew is trained, experienced, certified, licensed, and 100% committed to client service. We don’t “dabble” in moving businesses. It’s all that we do, and we’ve been leading the way in St. Louis for more than 30 years.

To learn more, contact us today and schedule your free consultation. We’ll ensure that the only surprise you experience during your business move is how efficient and stress-free we make everything, from start to finish. It’s what we do!

If you're looking for furniture installers to move your existing furniture, check out the FREE ultimate checklist for moving your office so you'll remember all the pieces of an office relocation:

Download The Ultimate Checklist for Moving Your Office

Topics: Office Furniture Installation

Barb Brooks

Written by Barb Brooks

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