As noted by “Moving offices can kick-start a company into assessing the way it operates; it can motivate and encourage performance; alter the public, employee and customer perception of the business; and open up ways in which you can cut back on costs.”
But in order to reap these rewards, the office relocation itself must be smooth and successful – instead of stressful, costly and risky. To help make that happen, here are 5 keys to a successful business move:
1. Evaluate and Wisely Choose Your New Space
Before you start thinking about packing office supplies and moving furniture, invest quality time and resources to evaluate potential relocation options. You want to choose a space that is going to serve your current needs, as well as give you room to grow in the future.
2. Create Your Schedule
Your business move schedule needs to cover ALL of the activities surrounding your relocation, and not just those that happen around moving day(s). For example, you’ll likely have to start updating/upgrading telecommunication and network infrastructure weeks (if not in some cases, months) before you move into your new space.
3. Inform Your Staff
While it still might be a while before you formally announce the move to your customers, suppliers and vendors, you have a moral obligation (and possibly even a legal one) to keep your staff in the loop, so they can make arrangements accordingly. For example, some of your colleagues may be thinking of changing residences in the coming weeks or months. The last thing they want to discover is that instead of being a 15-minute drive from work, they’re going to spend a couple of hours on the road because of an office relocation that they had no idea was in the works.
4. Assess Your Inventory
By “inventory” we don’t necessarily mean the goods that you sell – and in fact, you may be a service-related business and so there’s nothing on the shelves or in a warehouse to pack. In the context of your business move, inventory refers to all of the items – furniture, equipment, etc. – that will need to be relocated. This is your opportunity to determine what is going with you, and what will be decommissioned and sold, donated, recycled, or put into storage. This step also helps you see what replacement items you’ll need to purchase (either new or used based on your budget).
5. Partner with an Experienced Business Moving Team
The most important key for a successful business move is to work with experienced professionals, who will help you with all of the above – including helping you maximize space utilization in the new location.
Learn More
To learn more about making your business move a runaway success, contact the Precision team today. Your consultation with us is free.
For more information, get our ultimate checklist for moving your office by downloading our FREE eBook: